  • Highly efficient and sensitive membrane-based concentration process allows quantification, surveillance, and sequencing of viruses in large volumes of wastewater
Auteur:El soufi, G; Di Jorio, L; Gerber, Z; Cluzel, N; Van Assche, Jeanne; Delafoy, D; Olaso, Robert; Daviaud, C; Loustau, T; Schwartz, Christian; Trebouet, D; Hernalsteens, Olivier; Marechal, V; Raffestin, S; Rousset, D; Van Lint, Carine; Deleuze, Jean François; Boni, M; OBEPINE consortium, Oc; Rohr, Olivier; Villain-Gambier, M; Wallet, C
Informations sur la publication:Water research
Statut de publication:Publié, 2023-11-30
Sujet CREF:Virologie générale
Environnement et pollution