Résumé : Introduction: We integrate results of a project developed in order to increase the application of the realistic approach to community-based interventions for the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases. Methods: They were performed secondary analyzes of data from the implementation of a community-based intervention for dengue prevention (La Lisa, 2004- 2007). They were systematically analyzed all papers on community-based interventions in vector-borne diseases published in peer- reviewed journals (2006-2016). Besides, they were made theoretical-methodological contributions for the inclusion of the realistic approach in the evaluation of community-based interventions. Results. It was proven that capacity-buil- ding and organization processes of local actors at different levels lead to community work, and consequently, to an increased problem-solving ability and to the vector reduction. Me- chanism for success of such processes in the Cuban context were: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, team spirit and self-perceived efficacy of individual and organizational actors. When analyzing the existing scientific literature, they were identified gaps in the reporting on what works, for whom and in what context for community-based intervention due to limited understanding of its functioning principles and the scarce application of a realistic approach to evaluation. It was demonstrated feasibility of community-based intervention in the preven- tion of trypanosomiasis in the Republic of Congo; it was contributed to the development of a multi-country protocol of mixed methods to assess the efficacy of a community-based inter- vention in the reduction of dengue infection in Brazil. Conclusions: it was demonstrated the need for a realistic approach of community-based interventions in the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases in order to increase its potential of replication and generalization.