par Toderascu, Christian
;Massart, Thierry,Jacques
;Tysmans, Tine
Référence BEFIB 2024 - XI International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete(XI: 15-09-2024 - 18-09-2024: Dresden)
Publication A Paraître, 2024-09-18

Référence BEFIB 2024 - XI International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete(XI: 15-09-2024 - 18-09-2024: Dresden)
Publication A Paraître, 2024-09-18
Abstract de conférence
Résumé : | The use of fibre textiles as exclusive reinforcement allows to produce thinner and more free-form precast concrete elements, while producing more resource efficient structural elements. While 2D textiles are state of the art for textile reinforced cement composites (TRCs), the addition of transversal connections to create 3D textiles improves not only the manufacturing process but also the mechanical bending behaviour of TRC elements. 3D woven textile is one type of 3D textiles having transversal connections and has shown promising application potential in the construction world due to the optimised use of section. However, no 3D computational model for this type of material architecture has yet been proposed due to its complex geometry. Such 3D through thickness models are nonetheless required for an in depth understanding of the interactions between the cementitious matrix and the reinforcing architecture. This contribution will develop a generation strategy to build the geometry of a mesoscale through thickness Representative Volume Element (RVE) model of the 3D TRC, with the aim to assess the mechanical behaviour of the composite material, determine the internal stress/strain fields, and analyse the interaction of the reinforcement with the (degrading) cementitious matrix. To this end, an iterative geometry generation scheme is developed based on concepts outlined previously for polymer-based composites, in which a contact solving procedure is combined with a reinforcing yarn straightening to produce 3D woven textiles geometries. A conformal discretisation meshing procedure is then used to create the RVE. It will be illustrated that this modelling procedure can be the basis of future developments and computational prediction for TRC materials with complex textile geometries. Based on RVE simulations under bending loadings using computational homogenisation procedures, the average (macroscopic) behaviour associated with the matrix degradation and the progressive transfer of stresses to the reinforcing textile will be assessed for different reinforcing architectures. |