par Utsunomiya, Hiroaki;Goriely, Stéphane
;Kimura, M.;Shimizu, N;Utsuno, Y.;Tveten, G. M.;Renstrøm, T.;Ari-Izumi, T.;Miyamoto, S.
Référence Physical review. C, Nuclear physics, 109, page (014617)
Publication Publié, 2024-01-17

Référence Physical review. C, Nuclear physics, 109, page (014617)
Publication Publié, 2024-01-17
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Photoneutron emission cross sections were measured for C13 below 2n threshold using quasimonochromatic γ-ray beams produced in laser Compton scattering at the NewSUBARU synchrotron radiation facility. The data show fine structures in the low-energy tail of the giant-dipole resonance; the integrated strength of the fine structure below 18 MeV is intermediate among the past measurements with bremsstrahlung and the positron annihilation γ rays. We compare the photoneutron emission data with the talys statistical model calculation implemented with the simple modified Lorentzian model of E1 and M1 strengths. We also compare the total photoabsorption cross sections for C13 with shell model and antisymmetrized molecular dynamics calculations as well as the statistical model calculation. We further investigate the consistency between the present photoneutron emission and the reverse C12(n,γ) cross sections through their corresponding astrophysical rate. |