par Joiris, Véronique 
Référence Mondes en développement, 202, 2, page (7-24)
Publication Publié, 2023-01-01

Référence Mondes en développement, 202, 2, page (7-24)
Publication Publié, 2023-01-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | In recent decades, neoliberal initiatives have been carried out at the local- community level with the aim of promoting economic and social development. The first objective of this article is to highlight the increasing practical complexity of this new development-oriented configuration based on the triadic model of public, private, and local. Its second objective is to improve understanding of how the incomes generated by this system, which are intended to drive development, are appropriated “from below.” Considering the diversity and poorly defined nature of these incomes, the generic term “developmental incomes” is proposed to describe them. The article highlights a gap in the ethnography of developmental-income appropriation at the level of household budgets. A key question is to what extent this model meets (or fails to meet) the initial ambitions of poverty reduction. |