Estimating pitting descriptors of 316 L stainless steel by machine learning and statistical analysis
par Bertolucci Coelho, Léonardo
;Torres Morillo, Daniel
;Vangrunderbeek, Vincent;Bernal, Miguel
;Paldino, Gian Marco
;Bontempi, Gianluca
;Ustarroz Troyano, Jon 
Référence npj Materials degradation, 7, 1
Publication Publié, 2023-12-01

Référence npj Materials degradation, 7, 1
Publication Publié, 2023-12-01
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Résumé : | Abstract A hybrid rule-based/ML approach using linear regression and artificial neural networks (ANNs) determined pitting corrosion descriptors from high-throughput data obtained with Scanning Electrochemical Cell Microscopy (SECCM) on 316 L stainless steel. Non-parametric density estimation determined the central tendencies of the E pit /log( jpit ) and E pass /log( jpass ) distributions. Descriptors estimated using conditional mean or median curves were compared to their central tendency values, with the conditional medians providing more accurate results. Due to their lower sensitivity to high outliers, the conditional medians were more robust representations of the log( j ) vs. E distributions. An observed trend of passive range shortening with increasing testing aggressiveness was attributed to delayed stabilisation of the passive film, rather than early passivity breakdown. |