par Hayrapetyan, A.;Clerbaux, Barbara
;De Lentdecker, Gilles
;Favart, Laurent
;Hohov, Dmytro
;Jaramillo Gallego, Johny
;Khalilzadeh, Ali
;Lee, Kyeongpil
;Mahdavikhorrami, Mostafa
;Malara, Andrea
;Paredes Saenz, Santiago
;Pétré, Laurent
;Postiau, Nicolas
;Thomas, Laurent
;Vanden Bemden, Max
;Vander Velde, Catherine
;Vanlaer, Pascal
; [et al.]
Référence The Journal of high energy physics, 2023, 70
Publication Publié, 2023-12-12

Référence The Journal of high energy physics, 2023, 70
Publication Publié, 2023-12-12
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | A search for direct production of low-mass dimuon resonances is performedusing √s = 13 TeV proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS experiment duringthe 2017–2018 operation of the CERN LHC with an integrated luminosity of 96.6 fb−1. Thesearch exploits a dedicated high-rate trigger stream that records events with two muonswith transverse momenta as low as 3 GeV but does not include the full event informa-tion. The search is performed by looking for narrow peaks in the dimuon mass spectrumin the ranges of 1.1–2.6 GeV and 4.2–7.9 GeV. No significant excess of events above theexpectation from the standard model background is observed. Model-independent limitson production rates of dimuon resonances within the experimental fiducial acceptance areset. Competitive or world’s best limits are set at 90% confidence level for a minimal darkphoton model and for a scenario with two Higgs doublets and an extra complex scalarsinglet (2HDM+S). Values of the squared kinetic mixing coefficient ε2 in the dark photonmodel above 10−6 are excluded over most of the mass range of the search. In the 2HDM+S,values of the mixing angle sin(θH) above 0.08 are excluded over most of the mass range ofthe search with a fixed ratio of the Higgs doublets vacuum expectation tan β = 0.5. |