par Panzano, Guido
Référence ECPR News, The Loop
Publication Publié, 2022-10-24
Article de presse ou de vulgarisation
Résumé : The installation of a neo-fascist Prime Minister has generated considerable fears for the future of democracy in Italy. Guido Panzano shows how the tools of political science can accurately monitor changes in the quality of Italian democracyItaly’s election results did not come as a surprise. Polls predicted victory for the far-right, euphemistically referred to as the ‘centre-right’ by Italian media. Much has been said about this latest change in the Italian party system, the transformation of Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) and its dominant position over the Lega (League) and Forza Italia (Go Italy). Commentators have reflected on the repercussions for the EU or Italy's place on the international stage. Some scholars see the far right as a direct threat to Italian democracy. Others contend that democracy is not endangered. How should we make sense of these contradictions?