par Keth, Kannary
;Ben Rajeb, Samia
;Han, Virak
Référence International journal on advances in intelligent systems, 16, 1942-2679, page (74-88), 3-4
Publication Publié, 2023-12-30

Référence International journal on advances in intelligent systems, 16, 1942-2679, page (74-88), 3-4
Publication Publié, 2023-12-30
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Cambodia’s construction industry is overgrowingbut faces challenges like cost overruns and delays. This studyexplores collaboration in construction projects involvingproject owners, designers, and contractors, includingarchitecture, structure, mechanical, electrical, and plumbingdisciplines. The semi-structured interviews were conductedwith 16 participants, focusing on coordination, communication,and co-production. Two construction projects with andwithout Building Information Modeling (BIM) approacheswere also observed. Our findings identified four workflowscenarios linked to different interaction actors’ categories. Thestudy demonstrated that the degree and timing of collaborationamong project owners, designers, and contractors were theprimary factors influencing the workflow scenarios in theCambodian construction sector. Most participants wereunfamiliar with BIM and did not apply it to their projects.Traditional project delivery methods remained prevalent, evenin large-scale projects. Participants lacked a common languageregarding BIM, hindering effective collaboration. It becameevident that there was a lack of willingness to align knowledgeand practices to enhance project value. To promote BIMcollaboration within Cambodia’s construction sector, werecommend the development of a centralized collaborationguideline tailored to architects, engineers, contractors, andproject owners. |