par Roussel, Sabine;Coheleach, Manon;Martin, Sophie;Day, Robert;Badou, Aïcha;Huchette, Sylvain;Dubois, Philippe
;Servili, Arianna;Gaillard, Fanny;Auzoux-Bordenave, Stéphanie
Référence Science of the total environment, 907, page (167526)
Publication Publié, 2023-10-02

Référence Science of the total environment, 907, page (167526)
Publication Publié, 2023-10-02
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Ocean acidification (OA), which reduces ocean pH and leads to substantial changes in seawater carbonate chemistry, may strongly impact organisms, especially those with carbonate skeletons. In marine molluscs, while the physiological effects of OA are well known, with a reduction of growth and shell calcification, there are few studies on behavioural effects. A large marine gastropod, Haliotis tuberculata, was exposed to ambient (pHT 8.0) or low pH (pHT 7.7) during a 5-month experiment. Because animal fitness can be affected through various behavioural changes, a broad spectrum of behavioural parameters was investigated, including situations involving no stress, responses to predators, righting to evaluate indirectly the level of energy reserves, and finally, reproductive behaviour. In addition, we measured the expression profile of the GABA A-like and serotonin receptor genes, often described as central neuromodulators of sensory performance and behaviour and known to be affected by OA in molluscs. No significant effect of low pH as compared to ambient pH was observed on abalone behaviour for any of these behavioural traits or gene expressions after either one week or several months of exposure to OA. The significance tests were corroborated by estimating the size of pH effects. The behaviour of this mollusc appears not to be affected by pH decrease expected by the end of the century, suggesting some resilience of the species to OA at the adult stage. This is probably related to the ecological niche of this abalone, where important pH variations can be observed at tidal, diurnal or seasonal scales. |