par Panel, S.;Paulis, Emilien
;Pilet, Jean-Benoît
;Rojon, Sébastien
;Vittori, Davide 
Référence Political behavior
Publication Publié, 2023-11

Référence Political behavior
Publication Publié, 2023-11
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The aim of this research is to gauge public support for ministers who did not followa typical “career politician” pathway prior to their nomination (i.e., those whonever held an elected office and are not affiliated to a political party) and to understandwhat drives this support. We use a web-based conjoint experiment fielded insix European countries, in which respondents are presented with pairs of vignettesdescribing the profile of hypothetical ministers and must state which of the two candidatesthey would personally prefer. The task is repeated five times, once for thePrime Minister office and once for four specialized minister positions. We find thatattributes associated with technocratic government almost always increase popularsupport for ministers. These preferences are stable across policy domains and areas prevalent in the case of the PM as in the case of specialized ministries. However,we identify substantial cross-country variations: pro-technocratic attitudes are moreprevalent in Italy, Poland and Spain than in the UK and Germany. |