par Mitterbauer, Helga
Référence The Urban Topography of Exclusion in Literature and the Arts: Representing Clandestinity in Metropolitan Contexts (2023-09-14: Bruxelles (NIAS-Amsterdam et VUB))
Publication Non publié, 2023-09-14
Communication à un colloque
  • Elfriede Gerstl: Small Forms as a Continuation of the Imposed Silence During Childhood in the Viennese Hideout
Auteur:Mitterbauer, Helga
Informations sur la publication:The Urban Topography of Exclusion in Literature and the Arts: Representing Clandestinity in Metropolitan Contexts (2023-09-14: Bruxelles (NIAS-Amsterdam et VUB))
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2023-09-14
Sujet CREF:Langue et littérature allemandes
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