par Lemenkova, Polina
Référence Innovations in the Complex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials(2016-01-20/2016-01-21: Almaty, Kazakhstan), Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Abishevsky Readings-2016 “Innovations in the Complex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials”, RSE NC CPMRM RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan, page (191-195)
Publication Publié, 2016-01-20
Référence Innovations in the Complex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials(2016-01-20/2016-01-21: Almaty, Kazakhstan), Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Abishevsky Readings-2016 “Innovations in the Complex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials”, RSE NC CPMRM RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan, page (191-195)
Publication Publié, 2016-01-20
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