par Lemenkova, Polina
Référence Green Bridge Through Generations. III International Farabi Readings(3: 11-12 April 2016: Almaty, Kazakhstan), Materials V International Student Forum «Green Bridge Through Generations», Al-Farabi KNU Press, Almaty, Kazakhstan, page (349-353)
Publication Publié, 2016-04-11
Référence Green Bridge Through Generations. III International Farabi Readings(3: 11-12 April 2016: Almaty, Kazakhstan), Materials V International Student Forum «Green Bridge Through Generations», Al-Farabi KNU Press, Almaty, Kazakhstan, page (349-353)
Publication Publié, 2016-04-11
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : | Current research demonstrated effective data management for environmental research. So far, the data were stored by individual researchers responsible for their own projects. Now the data are collected together in a very structured system. Thus, it is possible to add all further information (other relevant data) into this database systematically and to use them for the thematic research. The necessary amendments or additions of the information can be done as new data from the field expeditions become available. The data of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of Finland with the key information of fluxes measurements of chemical elements (CO2, N2O, CH4) are now collected in one main Table Measurements.xls with a separate catalogue of all this data: Metadata_Finland.xls containing essential information and site codes. The Database can now be used for environmental analysis, e.g. detecting changes in the state of the ecosystems, predicting their behaviour in the future. Therefore, it is now possible to make the environmental prognosis of the Finnish ecosystems, to analyse their conditions, behaviour and sustainability. During the research the software ArcGIS 9.1 (including its cartographic module ArcMap and the Arc Catalogue) and Microsoft products (Word, Excel and Access) were used. |