par Coquelet, Boris
;Dejaegere, Gilles
;De Smet, Yves 
Référence Journal of multi-criteria decision analysis, 31, 1-2, e1823
Publication Publié, 2023-12-14

Référence Journal of multi-criteria decision analysis, 31, 1-2, e1823
Publication Publié, 2023-12-14
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | So far, the rank reversal (RR) phenomenon has been heavily discussed in the multiple criteria analysis literature. In this work, instead of focusing on RR occurrences within PROMETHEE II, an analysis of the third alternative with respect to a given pair of alternatives is conducted. The aim is to provide a way to identify third alternatives able to cause RR between a specific pair. This opens the question of building alternatives causing RR occurrences. Such alternatives can then be used to assess the resistance a given ranking has to RR. In the end, two different approaches are used. The first considers the number of third alternatives to be added to generate RR for a given pair of alternatives. While, the second one, provides a new threshold for RR occurrences in PROMETHEE II. |