par Moeremans, Marine;Avni, Freddy
;D'Haene, Nicky
;Lam, Ngoc My
;Metens, Thierry
;D'Hondt, Aurélie 
Référence European radiology
Publication Publié, 2023-08

Référence European radiology
Publication Publié, 2023-08
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Objectives: The acceptance of conventional autopsy (CA), the gold standard method for investigating fetal death, often remains problematic. Post-mortem magnetic resonance imaging (PMMRI) is increasingly advocated, particularly for neurologic malformations. However, PMMRI performances to diagnose non-neurologic malformations remain unclear. We aim to clarify whether a full body CA remains needed after prenatal ultrasound (US) and PMMRI in assessing non-neurologic fetal malformations. Methods: In this retrospective IRB-approved study, during a 6-year period, all fetuses who underwent PMMRI, prenatal US, and full body CA were included. Body abnormalities were identified in US, PMMRI, and CA reports. US and PMMRI images were all reviewed. All abnormalities were graded as major (2 points) or minor (1 point). Each technique (US, PMMRI, CA) was given a score by adding all grading points. In each fetus, results were compared for both separate and combined US and PMMRI to CA. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated for detecting major abnormalities. Results: Fifty fetuses were included. The score of CA, US, and PMMRI was respectively 53, 37, and 46. Compared with US-PMMRI, CA added information in 2 cases (4%) with major abnormalities and 7 cases (14%) with minor abnormalities. PMMRI and US were concordant in 36/50 (72%) fetuses. Separate US/PMMRI sensitivities and specificities for detecting major body malformations respectively were 80%/80% and 100%/94%. Combined US-PMMRI had a sensitivity of 90% and a specificity of 94%. Two cardiac malformations (2/6) were only described by CA. Conclusions: After prenatal US and PMMRI, few additional fetal body malformations are discovered with CA. Nevertheless, fetal heart autopsy remains mandatory. Clinical relevance statement: A cardiac conventional autopsy complemented by prenatal ultrasound and post-mortem MRI allows to detect all major fetal body abnormalities. With this efficient and much less invasive approach, a higher acceptance rate of fetal autopsy can be expected. Key Points: • Excepting cardiac malformations, most major fetal body malformations can reliably be identified by prenatal US combined with post-mortem MRI. • In the post-mortem diagnosis of fetal body malformations, a conventional autopsy limited to the fetal heart might replace a full body autopsy after a well-conducted prenatal US and post-mortem MRI. |