par Siefert, Emmanuel
;Cattaud, Nicolas;Reyssat, Etienne;Bico, José;Roman, Benoît
Référence Physical review letters, 127, 16, page (168002)
Publication Publié, 2021-10-14

Référence Physical review letters, 127, 16, page (168002)
Publication Publié, 2021-10-14
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | We show that ribbed elastic strips under tension present large spontaneous curvature and may close into tubes. In this single material architectured system, transverse bending results from a bilayer effect induced by Poisson contraction as the textured ribbon is stretched. Surprisingly, the induced curvature may reverse if ribs of different orientations are considered. Slender ribbed structures may also undergo a nontrivial buckling transition. We use analytical calculations to describe the evolution of the morphology of the ribbon and the transitions between the different experimental regimes as a function of material properties, geometrical parameters, and stretching strain. This scale-independent phenomenon may help the manufacturing of tubular textured structures or easily controllable grippers at small scale. |