par Yelo Sarrión, Jesús 
Président du jury Clemmen, Stéphane
Promoteur Gorza, Simon-Pierre
Co-Promoteur Leo, François
Publication Non publié, 2023-07-11

Président du jury Clemmen, Stéphane

Promoteur Gorza, Simon-Pierre

Co-Promoteur Leo, François

Publication Non publié, 2023-07-11
Thèse de doctorat
Résumé : | In this thesis, we study the general dynamics of two coupled fiber Kerr resonators in different configurations. These are systems composed of two coupled individual parts. We go through a first theoretical and numerical study of the two coupled cavities in a passive-passive configuration. We also undergo a numerical and experimental study of self-pulsing dynamics in two coupled Kerr cavities. This is followed by a purely theoretical study of the excitability of the system near a homoclinic bifurcation. The final chapter is devoted to the so-called Parity-Time symmetric configuration in which one cavity is active and compensates for the inherent losses of the passive cavity. |