Résumé : Atmospheric emissions of reactive nitrogen in the form of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ammonia (NH3) worsen air quality and upon deposition, dramatically affect the environment. Recent infrared satellite measurements have revealed that NH3 emitted by industries are an important and underestimated emission source. Yet, to assess these emissions, current satellite sounders are severely limited by their spatial resolution. In this paper, we analyse measurement data recorded in a series of imaging surveys that were conducted over industries in the Greater Berlin area (Germany). On board the aircraft were the Telops Hyper-Cam LW, targeting NH3 measurements in the longwave infrared at a resolution of 4 m and the SWING+ spectrometer targeting NO2 measurements in the UV–Vis at a resolution of 180 m. Two flights were carried out over German's largest production facility of synthetic NH3, urea and other fertilizers. In both cases, a large NH3 plume was observed originating from the factory. Using a Gaussian plume model to take into account plume rise and dispersion, coupled with well-established radiative transfer and inverse methods, we retrieve vertical column densities. From these, we calculate NH3 emission fluxes using the integrated mass enhancement and cross-sectional flux methods, yielding consistent emissions of the order of 2200 t yr−1 for both flights, assuming constant fluxes across the year. These estimates are about five times larger than those reported in the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) for this plant. In the second campaign, a co-emitted NO2 plume was measured, likely related to the production of nitric acid at the plant. A third flight was carried out over an area comprising the cities of Staßfurt and Bernburg. Several small NH3 plumes were seen, one over a production facility of mineral wool insulation, one over a sugar factory and two over the soda ash plants in Staßfurt and Bernburg. A fifth and much larger plume was seen to originate from the sedimentation basins associated with the soda ash plant in Staßfurt, indicating rapid volatilization of ammonium rich effluents. We use the different measurement campaigns to simulate measurements of Nitrosat, a potential future satellite sounder dedicated to the sounding of reactive nitrogen at a resolution of 500 m. We demonstrate that such measurements would allow accurately constraining emissions in a single overpass, overcoming a number of important drawbacks of current satellite sounders.