par Dumas, Odeline
;Malet, Loïc
;Kwaśniak, P.;Prima, F.;Godet, Stéphane 
Référence Acta materialia, 246, page (118679)
Publication Publié, 2023-03-01

Référence Acta materialia, 246, page (118679)
Publication Publié, 2023-03-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The present paper aims at providing a fine-scale analysis of the Ti-4.5Al-2.5Fe-0.25Si α+α’+βretained microstructures to give insight into the link between the microstructural characteristics of the alloy (phase fraction and chemistry, grain size, etc.) and the deformation mechanisms at play. These microstructures were found to exhibit outstanding work-hardening capabilities that have the great potential to be obtained simultaneously with a high yield strength when the microstructural features are carefully optimized. Ex-situ analyses coupled with TEM revealed the simultaneous occurrence of Reorientation Induced Plasticity (RIP) into the self-accommodated Fe-enriched α’ martensite, TRansformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) of the βretained phase and TWinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) of the α phase that add to dislocation glide. The Fe-enriched martensite has the remarkable capability to induce reorientation through two distinctive mechanisms: by the motion upon deformation of the intervariant boundary associated to the [45¯13¯]α′ Type II twin, a rather classical mechanism although not often reported into α’; but more surprisingly into such a fine phase, by the creation and growth upon deformation of {101¯2}1¯011α′ twins. A 3-scale mechanical contrast is proposed to explain the remarkable work-hardening rates achieved. Reorientation is shown to be a key microstructural feature for the development of Ti alloys with superior mechanical properties. |