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Résumé : Abstract: This article is dedicated to the study of Teodor de Wyzewa’s ground-breaking contributions to the Revue wagnérienne (1885-1888), an avant-garde publication devoted to the dissemination of Wagnerian aesthetics that quickly became a laboratory of ideas for French Symbolism. Its purpose is to take Wyzewa’s music criticism seriously, not only as a historical document testifying to the complexities of French Wagnerism, but also as an influential work of aesthetics that had repercussions in French music criticism. The present study thus focuses on three aspects of Wyzewa’s criticism that were influential for other critics. The first has to do with his original answer to the problem of realism in Wagner’s music, the second with his examination of his own generation’s disenchantment with society and the arts, and the third with his guidelines for contemporary artists and musicians who wished to emulate Wagner’s reformist ambitions. The result, I suggest, was that Wyzewa laid down the foundations for what Maurice Barrès called “suggestive art” (art suggestif), a subjective view of aesthetics that heavily influenced the fledgling movement that later became Symbolism. In music criticism, it led to increasingly hybrid texts that made use of fiction as a tool with which to interpret a composer’s intentions under a subjective lens.