Nuclear level density and γ -ray strength function of Ni 67 and the impact on the i process
Ingeberg, V. W.
, Siem, Sunniva
, Wiedeking, M.
, Choplin, Arthur
, Goriely, Stéphane
, Siess, Lionel
, Abrahams, K.J.
, Arnswald, Konrad
, Bello Garrote, Frank Leonel
, Bleuel, Darren D.L.
, Cederkäll, Joakim
, Christoffersen, T.L.
, Cox, D.M.
, De Witte, Hilde
, Gaffney, L.P.
, Görgen, Andreas
, Henrich, Corinna
, Illana, A.
, Jones, Pete
, Kheswa, B.V.
, Kröll, Thorsten
, Majola, Siyabonga S.N.T.
, Malatji, K.L.
, Ojala, Joonas
, Pakarinen, Janne
, Rainovski, G.
, Reiter, Peter
, Von Schmid, M.
, Seidlitz, M.
, Tveten, G.M.
, Warr, Nigel
, Zeiser, Fabio