  • Impact of deleterious germline BRCA mutations, addition of taxanes and use of adjuvant endocrine therapy (ET) on anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) levels in early breast cancer (EBC) patients treated by adjuvant chemotherapy (CT)
Auteur:Olympios, Nathalie; Lambertini, Matteo; Calbrix, Céline; Saint-Ghislain, Mathilde; Fontanilles, Maxime; Loeb, Agnès; Leheurteur, Marianne; Demeestere, Isabelle; Di Fiore, Frédéric; Perdrix, Anne; Clatot, Florian
Informations sur la publication:ESMO (19-23/10/2018: Munich, Germany)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2018-10
Sujet CREF:Gynécologie
Sciences biomédicales