par Koutroulis, Vaios
Référence Same Laws, New Wars: The Enduring Relevance of International Humanitarian Law and the Importance of the Updated ICRC Commentaries(21-22 October 2021: Bruges), Proceedings of the 22nd Bruges Colloquium, page (99-108)
Publication Publié, 2022-09-30
Publication dans des actes
  • IHL – IHRL : Navigating betwenn lex specialis, parallel application and complementarity in order to define the contours of state obligations
Auteur:Koutroulis, Vaios
Informations sur la publication:Same Laws, New Wars: The Enduring Relevance of International Humanitarian Law and the Importance of the Updated ICRC Commentaries(21-22 October 2021: Bruges), Proceedings of the 22nd Bruges Colloquium, page (99-108)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2022-09-30
Sujet CREF:Droit international public
Mots-clés:Geneva Conventions
armed conflict
human rights law