par Coeckelbergs, Mathias 
Référence Between statistics and hermeneutics., The interplay between digital and traditional methods in Hebrew linguistics as evidenced from the study of hapax legomena., Claire Clivaz, Tim Hutchings, Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Digital Humanities and Christianity: An Introduction, page (151)
Publication Publié, 2021-06-09

Référence Between statistics and hermeneutics., The interplay between digital and traditional methods in Hebrew linguistics as evidenced from the study of hapax legomena., Claire Clivaz, Tim Hutchings, Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Digital Humanities and Christianity: An Introduction, page (151)
Publication Publié, 2021-06-09
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
Titre: |
Auteur: | Coeckelbergs, Mathias |
Informations sur la publication: | Between statistics and hermeneutics., The interplay between digital and traditional methods in Hebrew linguistics as evidenced from the study of hapax legomena., Claire Clivaz, Tim Hutchings, Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Digital Humanities and Christianity: An Introduction, page (151) |
Statut de publication: | Publié, 2021-06-09 |
Sujet CREF: | Exégèse et herméneutique biblique |
Herméneutique générale | |
Linguistique appliquée | |
Philologie orientale; orient chrétien | |
Sémantique langages naturels | |
Note edition: | 1 |
Langue: | Français |