par Vandenbempt, Valerie
;Eski, Sema Elif
;Brahma, Manoja Kumar
;Li, A.;Demine, Stéphane
;Xiao, Peng
;Cardozo, Alessandra K
;Singh, Sumeet Pal
;Mariño, Eliana;Gysemans, C;Gurzov, Esteban Nicolas 
Référence European Association for the Study of Diabetes(58th: 2022-09-19: Stockholm, Sweden), Diabetologia, Diabetologia, Vol. 65, page (211)
Publication Publié, 2022-08-03

Référence European Association for the Study of Diabetes(58th: 2022-09-19: Stockholm, Sweden), Diabetologia, Diabetologia, Vol. 65, page (211)
Publication Publié, 2022-08-03
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