par Verga, Giulia Caterina
;Khan, Ahmed Z. 
Référence Factors impacting the transitioning to a circular economy in an industry: the example of the construction sector, ASP Academic and Scientific Publishers, Brussels, Belgium, Vol. Transitioning to a Circular Economy. Changing Business Models and Business Ecosystems, Ed. 1, Transitioning to a Circular Economy. Changing Business Models and Business Ecosystems, page (127-172)
Publication Publié, 2022-11-29

Référence Factors impacting the transitioning to a circular economy in an industry: the example of the construction sector, ASP Academic and Scientific Publishers, Brussels, Belgium, Vol. Transitioning to a Circular Economy. Changing Business Models and Business Ecosystems, Ed. 1, Transitioning to a Circular Economy. Changing Business Models and Business Ecosystems, page (127-172)
Publication Publié, 2022-11-29
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
Résumé : | The main objective of this chapter is to identify and discuss the factors influencing the transitioning in a particular sector (in this case construction). To do so, we start by questioning which are the context-specific factors affecting the adoption of circularity oriented innovations in the Belgian construction sector, and what is their impact. While the second part questions how to engage in the transitioning of this sector within a specific national context (in this case Belgium). Some factors are internal to the company (affecting the capabilities and resources as well as the motivations to transition) and others external (creating or hindering opportunities and motivation to engage with circular oriented innovations). The kind of impact these factors have on different companies’ adoption of such innovations may vary according to the economic sector and the business’ ecosystems, the companies’ characteristics (such as their size or position in the value chain) and the context in which they operate (international, national, regional, et cetera). Context and company-specific elements influence how these factors are perceived and, therefore, their effects. In order to discuss these factors in relation to a specific context, we take the example of an industry as a case study within a national context: Belgium. Thus, the research questions this chapter addresses are: What are the context-specific factors affecting the adoption of circular oriented innovations in the Belgian construction sector? What is their importance in the adoption of circular oriented innovations, supporting a transition to a circular economy (CE)? How to engage in the transitioning of this sector in a specific national context (i.e., Belgium)? To answer these questions, this chapter is divided into three main parts. All parts are based on a review of the literature (both scholarly and grey literature). The first and second parts are based on international literature, while the third part analyses the Belgian context in more depth. This latter section is based on a survey of Belgian companies (including companies’ executives, but not only) operating in the construction sector, some of which are incumbent companies and others are new entrants (all working on circular oriented innovations). The decision to not only include incumbent firms (as in the previous chapter) allows us to assess a boarder spectrum of factors affecting the successful transitioning of this sector. |