  • The R-process Alliance: The Peculiar Chemical Abundance Pattern of RAVE J183013.5-455510
Auteur:Placco, Vinicius V.M.; Santucci, Rafael; Yuan, Zhen; Mardini, Mohammad; Holmbeck, Erika; Wang, Xilu; Surman, Rebecca A.; Hansen, Terese; Roederer, Ian; Beers, Timothy C.; Choplin, Arthur; Ji, Alexander A.P.; Ezzeddine, Rana; Frebel, Anna; Sakari, Charli; Whitten, Devin; Zepeda, Joseph
Informations sur la publication:The Astrophysical journal, 897, 1, page (78)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2020-07-01
Sujet CREF:Astrophysique
Mots-clés:Chemical abundances, Stellar atmospheres, Stellar kinematics, R-process, CEMP stars, Metallicity, 224, 2105, 1608, 1584, 1031, 1324, Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics, Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies