par Bono Rossello, Nicolas 
Président du jury Birattari, Mauro
Promoteur Garone, Emanuele
Publication Non publié, 2022-11-10

Président du jury Birattari, Mauro

Promoteur Garone, Emanuele

Publication Non publié, 2022-11-10
Thèse de doctorat
Résumé : | This thesis focuses on the development of monitoring strategies suited for large-scale processes where the amount of resources available for the sensing is a critical limitation. The proposed approach consists in planning simultaneously the gathering of the data and its usage. This approach allows to optimize the information obtained given the limited resources. This thesis presents a general methodology composed of 3 steps: modelling, estimation, and monitoring planning. The theoretical developments presented in this dissertation are divided into two separated parts that focus on two macro-classes of systems that enclose the vast majority of possible large-scale monitored phenomena. The relevance and effectiveness of the results of this thesis are demonstrated with the help of some case studies, such as: soil-plant water dynamics, epidemics spreading and pest populations. Given the depth of the study concerning the monitoring of pest populations, this application is presented as a separated third part of this dissertation. |