par Ben Miled, Marouane;Buell, Paul;Ghrab, Anas;Masoumi Hamedani, Hossein;Rashed, Roshdi;Karimian, Zeinab;Radelet-de Grave, Patricia;Lelli, Giovanna
Référence Ed. 1
Publication Publié, 2022-05-20
Référence Ed. 1
Publication Publié, 2022-05-20
Direction d'ouvrage
Résumé : | This book highlights the emergence of a new mathematicalrationality and the beginning of the mathematisation of physics inClassical Islam. Exchanges between mathematics, physics,linguistics, arts and music were a factor of creativity and progressin the mathematical, the physical and the social sciences. Goodsand ideas travelled on a world-scale, mainly through the traderoutes connecting East and Southern Asia with the Near East,allowing the transmission of Greek-Arabic medicine to YuanMuslim China. The development of science, centered in the Near East, would gradually move to the Western side of theMediterranean, as a result of Europe’s appropriation of the Araband Hellenistic heritage. Contributors are Paul Buell, Anas Ghrab,Hossein Masoumi Hamedani, Zeinab Karimian, Giovanna Lelli,Marouane ben Miled, Patricia Radelet-de Grave, and RoshdiRashed. |