par Gelain, Riccardo
;De Morais Bertoldi, Artur Elias
;Hauw, Adrien;Hendrick, Patrick 
Référence Aerotecnica, missili e spazio
Publication Publié, 2022-09-01

Référence Aerotecnica, missili e spazio
Publication Publié, 2022-09-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Hybrid rocket propulsion systems have proved to be a suitable option for some specific applications in the space transportation domain such as in launch vehicle upper stages, orbit transfer spacecrafts, decelerator engines for re-entry capsules, and small satellites launchers. Part of the renewed interest in hybrid rocket propulsion is due mainly to the safety aspects, cost reduction, and the use of paraffin-based fuel that impacts positively in terms of the solid fuel regression rate. However, paraffin solid fuel grains have poor structural characteristics and sometimes low performance due to the fuel internal ballistics behaviour. More recently, various studies have been carried out to overcome these drawbacks of paraffin-based fuels, such as the addition of energetic nano-sized metallic powder and 3D printing techniques. This study presents a review of the principal concepts of 3D printing processes and extrusion techniques that can be suitable for paraffin grains manufacturing and the conceptual design of a prototype for a 3D printer system under development at the Aero-Thermo-Mechanics Department of Université Libre de Bruxelles. |