par Gelain, Riccardo
;Angeloni, Fabio;De Morais Bertoldi, Artur Elias
;Hendrick, Patrick 
Référence European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences(9th: 2022: Lille, France)
Publication Publié, 2022-07-01

Référence European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences(9th: 2022: Lille, France)
Publication Publié, 2022-07-01
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : | This paper illustrates the design and development process of the MOUETTE (Moteur OptiqUe pour ÉTudier et Tester Ergols hybrides) optical access slab burner for investigation of the combustion behaviour of hybrid rocket fuels. The system has been conceived to use gaseous oxygen as oxidizer with a mass flow rate of up to 100 g/s and a maximum combustion chamber pressure of 10 bar. The test chamber features two quartz glass windows to acquire high-speed imaging of the fuel grain during the combustion process, and a graphite nozzle to adjust the operative pressure. The ignition of the solid fuel grain is provided by a pyrotechnic igniter. The burner, together with its feed system and test bench, has been manufactured and integrated. Leaking and proofing tests have been carried out, followed by ignition sequence tests to define the operating procedure. A validation campaign with a paraffin-based fuel has been carried out to verify the functionality of the system. |