par De Faria Da Fonseca, Barbara
;Barbee, Cindy
;Romitti, Mirian
;Eski, Sema Elif
;Gillotay, Pierre
;Monteyne, Daniel
;Perez-Morga, David
;Refetoff, Samuel
;Singh, Sumeet Pal
;Costagliola, Sabine 
Référence BioRxiv
Publication Publié, 2022-05-16

Référence BioRxiv
Publication Publié, 2022-05-16
Article sans comité de lecture
Résumé : | Patterning of endoderm into lung and thyroid lineages depends upon a correct early expression of a homeobox domain-containing transcription factor, Nkx2-1. However, the gene networks distinguishing the differentiation of those lineages remain largely unknown. In the present work, by using mouse embryonic stem cell lines, single-cell RNA sequencing, and transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility profiling, we show that knockout of Foxe1 drastically impairs Nkx2-1+ cells differentiation and maturation into thyroid follicular-like cells. Concomitantly, a subset of Foxe1 null/Nkx2-1+ cells have a remarkable ability in vitro to undergo a lung epithelial differentiation program and form lung-like organoids harboring cells transcriptionally similar with mouse fetal airway and alveolar cell types. These results demonstrate, for the first time, lung lineage derivation at the expense of thyroid lineage, by a simple removal of a transcription factor, and provide insights into the intricated mechanisms of fate decisions of endodermal cell types. |