par Lemenkova, Polina
Référence Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 71, 2, page (61-79)
Publication Publié, 2022-04-20
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : Cartographic visualization is a key means for the analysis of the Earth’s environmental processes. In view of the rapidly increasing multi-source data, cartographic approaches are updated accordingly. Mapping of countries characterized by complex geologic settings, such as Tanzania, requires implementation of advanced approaches. Cartographic solutions for the best visualization aim to provide elaborate content in an understandable and interoperable way in multi-disciplinary studies. This study presents such an approach by using Generic Mapping Tools (GMT), R and QGIS for cartographic mapping of Tanzania, with five maps addressing the natural setting (geology, topography, geophysics) and four maps showing the geomorphometric analysis. The 2D maps and the 3D mesh model were made by the traditional Geographic Information System (GIS) and scripting approaches. The features of the geomorphometric maps (slope, aspect, hillshade, elevation) were plotted by means of R. The technical methods are illustrated by the example of scripts. The paper contributes to the regional studies of Tanzania.
Planeedi keskkonnaprotsesside analüüsimisel on oluline roll ruumiandmetel ja nende visualiseerimisel. Erinevatest allikatest pärit andmete maht suureneb tänapäeval kiiresti ning koos sellega peavad arenema ka kartograafilised meetodid. Keerulise geoloogilise ehitusega piirkondade kaardistamine nõuab kompleksset käsitlust. Käesolevas töös on analüüsitud ja visualiseeritud Tansaania ruumiandmeid, kasutades vahendeid nagu Generic Mapping Tools (GMT), R ja QGIS. Viis loodud kaarti iseloomustavad looduslikke tingimusi (geoloogia, geofüüsika, topograafia) ning neli visualiseerivad geomorfomeetrilist analüüsi. Kahemõõtmelised kaardid ja kolmemõõtmeline pinnamudel loodi kasutades konventsionaalset GIS tarkvara koos skriptimisega. Geomorfomeetrilised kaardid (kõrgusmudel, nõlvad, varjutus) loodi statistikatarkvara R skriptide abil.