par Brutin, David;Sobac, Benjamin
Référence Droplet Wetting and Evaporation: From Pure to Complex Fluids, Elsevier, page (25-30)
Publication Publié, 2015-01
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
Résumé : Droplet wettability is altered by the substrate and thus the contact dynamics as well. The different modes of spreading are due to the interaction between the binary liquid and the substrate. These modifications are influenced by the evaporation occurring at the triple line and thus the total of evaporation. Changing the substrate modifies the surface energy and its roughness. These properties are linked to the material. Spreading and evaporation combine, so it is difficult to isolate the effect of each. In addition, changes in the substrate material can alter its thermal properties. We demonstrated in the previous chapters the link between the material properties and the evaporation rate. The triple line dynamics are thus very complex and are linked to droplet evaporation. In this chapter, we discuss theoretical concepts and recent advances involving this topic.