par Baldes, Iason
;Blasi, Simone;Mariotti, Alberto;Sevrin, Alexander;Turbang, Kevin
Référence Physical Review D, 104, 11, 115029
Publication Publié, 2021-12

Référence Physical Review D, 104, 11, 115029
Publication Publié, 2021-12
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | We present a novel baryogenesis mechanism in which the asymmetry is sourced from heavy particles which either gain their mass or are created during bubble expansion in a strong first order phase transition. These particles then decay in a CP and baryon number violating way inside the bubble. The particles are inherently out of equilibrium and sufficiently dilute after wall crossing so the third Sakharov condition is easily met. Washout is avoided provided the reheat temperature is sufficiently below the scale of the heavy particles. The mechanism relies on moderate supercooling and relativistic walls which - in contrast to electroweak baryogenesis - generically leads to a sizable gravitational wave signal, although in the simplest realizations at frequencies beyond upcoming detectors. We present a simple example model and discuss the restrictions on the parameter space for the mechanism to be successful. We find that high reheat temperatures TRH1010 GeV are generally preferred, whereas stronger supercooling allows for temperatures as low as TRH∼106 GeV, provided the vacuum energy density is sufficiently suppressed. We briefly comment on using resonantly enhanced CP violation to achieve even lower scales. |