par Cubitt, Seán S.C.;Debailleul, Corentin 
Référence On the Edge (2: Merz akademie, Stuttgart)
Publication Non publié, 2021-12-07

Référence On the Edge (2: Merz akademie, Stuttgart)
Publication Non publié, 2021-12-07
Communication à un colloque
Résumé : | Deciphering the new conditions of attention as labour and as value, the real subsumption of consumption under capital and the colonisation of affect leads me back to questions of abstraction. Abstraction has one meaning as distraction (‘an abstracted gaze’); a second meaning as a form of art; a third in the use of concepts to categorise multiple events; and a fourth, perhaps now dominant, as the practice of extracting data from everyday flux. Contemporary networks and their users enable all these forms of abstraction. My question is whether these modes of abstraction alter older subject-object relations, positively or negatively, and what implications they have for the distinction between society and nature.***In September 2019, dozens of human rights organizations launched Technopolice, a participatory campaign to document the spread of so-called "Safe City" projects across France and Belgium and resist the proliferation of automated video-surveillance and predictive policing technologies. Against this dystopia put forward by those who pretend to govern us, we call for unyielding resistance! |