par Ebadi, Zohreh ;Hannotier, Cédric ;STEENDAM, Heidi;Horlin, François ;Quitin, François
Référence (18 November - 16 December, 2020: Victoria, BC, Canada), Proc. of the IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall)
Publication Publié, 2020-10
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : Time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) localization systemsestimate the difference in propagation delay between atarget transmitter and pairs of receivers in order to locatethe target. One important requirement is that the receivernodes should be accurately time-synchronized, which is hard toachieve in practice without relying on cable-connected receivers.Over-the-air synchronization algorithms often rely on periodicmessages from a master node, but due to clock drift, the rateof these messages needs to be high. In this paper, we proposea new synchronization algorithm that additionally exploits thecarrier frequency offset (CFO) between the target node andthe receiver nodes to reduce the rate of messages from themaster node while maintaining good synchronization accuracy.Simulation results show the good performance of the proposedmethod, and preliminary experimental results show its feasibilityon a hardware platform.