par Zienkowski, Jan
Référence Annual Spring Research Seminar of the Institute for Multilingualism (24/03/2017: Universitat International de Catalunia, Barcelona)
Publication Non publié, 2017
Communication à un colloque
Résumé : This paper explores the implications of treating interviews as interactional self-techniques in discourse studies. After a brief exploration of the way interview data have been conceptualized in social science and in the humanities, the author proposes to consider interviews as language games performed by active interviewers and interviewees (Briggs, 2003; Gubrium and Holstein, 2003b; Briggs, 2009; Briggs, 1986; Gubrium and Holstein, 2003a). He then shows how such a postmodern perspective on the interview can generate useful knowledge for researchers active in the field of discourse studies (Zienkowski, 2016). Discourse studies can be understood as a transdisciplinary field of inquiry whose investigators focus on different dimensions of the functional and interpretive relationships between language(s), signs, practices, institutions and histories. Consequently, interview data need to be dealt with through interpretive and functional research questions and strategies that are compatible with the epistemological and ontological frameworks informing contemporary understandings of discourse.