par Tzevelecos, Wassilis ;Van Vaerenbergh, Stefan
Référence International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, page (509-516)
Publication Publié, 2015
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Résumé : SELENE is the acronym for SELf-rewetting fluids for ENErgy management and refers to a fluid dynamics experiment that will fly on board the International Space Station (ISS). SELENE project is an experiment developed to study the effect of the solutal and heat transfers in heat pipe configuration using specific diagnostics. The test rig consists of a mono-grooved heat pipe designed to allow fluid observation and quantification of heat losses. Experiments are performed using Self-Rewetting fluids (SRWFs) and distilled water as reference fluid. Among the available SRWFs, an aqueous solution of n-Butanol is studied. This paper will present experimental results collected using as working fluid such a solution at 3 w% and distilled water. The experimental determination of thermal resistances of the test rig is performed with both fluids. An increase of the heat transfer in the case of the SRWF is observed. This increase becomes more significant at higher input power regimes. Details of the thermal profile along the grove are also provided.