par Compère, Geoffrey ;Fiorucci, Adrien ;Ruzziconi, Romain
Référence Classical and quantum gravity, 36, 19, 195017
Publication Publié, 2021-10-01
Référence Classical and quantum gravity, 36, 19, 195017
Publication Publié, 2021-10-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The following types of [1] are corrected as follows: • In the second paragraph of section 2.2.2, after 'one gets' there should be Gur + Λgur = Rur − 12Rgur + Λgur = 12gur(2Λ − gABRAB) = 0 so that we can solve equivalently gABRAB = 2Λ. As a result, several other changes are needed later in the text: ∗ The sentence after equation (2.13) should be 'since the trace part of MAB has already been set to 2Λ in order to fix the radial dependence of V/r'. ∗ The sentence after equation (2.26) should be 'we extract the r-dependence of V/r thanks to MAA = 2Λ, which reads as'. Notice that (2.27) is nevertheless correct. • The last term of equation (2.28) should be +2rM instead of −2rM. • In the right-hand side of the first equation of (2.47), the last term should be +23ΛCC(AHCB) instead of −23ΛCC(AHCB). • The first equation of (B.5) should read as Vr = Λ3 e2β0r2 + .... • In equation (B.7), UA and UB should be written as UA0 and UB0 |