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Résumé : Report of a presentation of bilateral choroidal osteoma without neovascularization in a child following a school screening. Diagnosis was based on funduscopy, optical coherence tomography and B-scan ultrasonography. The child was followed regularly with cycloplegic refraction, funduscopy, macular SD-OCT and EDI-SD-OCT. Fluorescein angiography and OCT-angiography will be performed if necessary. Purpose: To report a peculiar presentation of bilateral choroidal osteoma in a very young child. Methods: Case report. Results: During a school screening, a 4-year-old girl was detected with anisometropia as the first sign of a bilateral choroidal osteoma. The diagnosis was based on funduscopy, optical coherence tomography and B-scan ultrasonography. Conclusion: Choroidal osteomas are rare benign tumors that can lead to severe visual loss due to progression or complications. They are found mostly in young adults, but in our case, the refractive screening allowed an early diagnosis despite the lack of visual symptoms.