par Badr, Dominique
;Picone, Olivier;Bevilacqua, Elisa
;Carlin, Andrew
;Meli, Federica;Sibiude, Jeanne;Mattern, Jérémie;Fils, Jean François;Mandelbrot, Laurent;Lanzone, Antonio;De Luca, Danièle;Jani, Jacques
;Vivanti, Alexandre
Référence Emerging infectious diseases, 27, 10, page (2535-2543)
Publication Publié, 2021-10

Référence Emerging infectious diseases, 27, 10, page (2535-2543)
Publication Publié, 2021-10
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | We conducted an international multicenter retrospective cohort study, PregOuTCOV, to examine the eff ect of gestational age at time of infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) on obstetric and neonatal outcomes. We included all singleton pregnancies with a live fetus at 10 weeks' gestation in which pregnancy outcomes were known. The exposed group consisted of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, whereas the unexposed group consisted of all remaining patients during the same period. Primary outcomes were defi ned as composite adverse obstetric outcomes and composite adverse neonatal outcomes. Of 10,925 pregnant women, 393 (3.60%) were infected with SARSCoV- 2 (exposed group). After matching for possible confounders, we identifi ed statistically signifi cant increases in the exposed group of composite adverse obstetric outcomes at >20 weeks' gestation and of composite adverse neonatal outcomes at >26 weeks' gestation (p<0.001). Vaccination programs should target women early in pregnancy or before conception, if possible. |