  • Assessment of the possible human health hazard associated with exposure to naturally occurring potentially toxic elements in groundwater on the flanks of Meru volcano, Arusha, Tanzania
Auteur:Tomašek, Ines; Mouri, Hassina; Wragg, Joanna; Bennett, George; Ijumulana, Julian; Bhattacharya, Prosun; Fontijn, Karen; Kisaka, Mary; Shemsanga, Ceven; Walraevens, Kristine; Claeys, Philippe; Elskens, Marc; Gao, Yue; Leermakers, Martine; Kervyn, Matthieu
Informations sur la publication:American Geophysical Uniion Fall Meeting 2020(1-17 Dec 2020), Vol. GH018-02, GH018-02
Statut de publication:Publié, 2020-12-15
Sujet CREF:Géochimie
Géologie et minéralogie
Chimie des eaux