par Davoodi, Pooya;Iacono, John ;Landau, Gad G.M.;Lewenstein, Moshe
Référence Lecture notes in computer science, 9133, page (149-159)
Publication Publié, 2015
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : Range minimum queries (RMQs) are essential in many algorithmic procedures. The problem is to prepare a data structure on an array to allow for fast subsequent queries that find the minimum within a range in the array. We study the problem of designing indexing RMQ data structures which only require sub-linear space and access to the input array while querying. The RMQ problem in one-dimensional arrays is well understood with known indexing data structures achieving optimal space and query time. The two-dimensional indexing RMQ data structures have received the attention of researchers recently. There are also several solutions for the RMQ problem in higher dimensions. Yuan and Atallah [SODA’10] designed a brilliant data structure of size O(N) which supports RMQs in a multi-dimensional array of size N in constant time for a constant number of dimensions. In this paper we consider the problem of designing indexing data structures for RMQs in higher dimensions. We design a data structure of size O(N) bits that supports RMQs in constant time for a constant number of dimensions. We also show how to obtain trade-offs between the space of indexing data structures and their query time.