par Glaude, Quentin
;Derauw, Dominique;Barbier, Christian;Pattyn, Frank 
Référence Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2021-March, page (732-736)
Publication Publié, 2021-06-01

Référence Proceedings of the European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, EUSAR, 2021-March, page (732-736)
Publication Publié, 2021-06-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Feature tracking has long been used as a technique to infer bidimensional displacement maps by locally maximizing the incoherent or coherent cross correlation of coregistered SAR images. Coherence tracking is based on the latter technique. Exploiting the phase information, the method tends to find local shifts that maximize the coherence information aiming at enhancing the interferometric signal while also bringing an estimation of bidimensional displacements. This is particularly important in fast-moving areas since it allows recovering an interferometric signal loss due to displacement-induced decorrelations. Here, we present the adaptation of the technique to TOPSAR acquisition mode and results in Antarctica. |