par Boucherie, Alexandra ;Polet, Caroline ;Lefèvre, Philippe ;Vercauteren, Martine
Référence Journal of forensic sciences
Publication Publié, 2021-02-19
Référence Journal of forensic sciences
Publication Publié, 2021-02-19
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Résumé : | In forensic anthropology, sex estimation is a fundamental step in assessing individualbiological profiles when analyzing human skeletons. Yet, current methods are notreliable enough to allow an accurate sex identification of highly fragmented, burnt,or subadult remains. This paper aims to investigate sexual dimorphism of the bonylabyrinth on both identified subadult and adult individuals. The bony labyrinth is ofparticular interest for sex estimation since it is alleged to complete size and maturationpre-pubertally and is located inside the petrous part of the temporal bone whichprotects it from taphonomic processes. The study was performed on 93 CT scans ofidentified individuals from two Belgian osteological collections (19–20th century) andfrom current pediatric images (Erasme hospital, Brussels). Linear and angular measurementswere taken on 2D slices of right bony labyrinths. Intra- and interobservers errormeasurements were calculated. Statistical tests were used to unravel any morphologicalvariations between subadult and adult bony labyrinths and to highlight differencesbetween females and males, separately in subadults and adults. Linear discriminantfunctions were established by cross-validation and tested on an independent samplefrom Belgium. Some measurements were significantly different between subadultsand adults, and between females and males within both subadult and adult samples.Univariate functions achieved 72.7% in subadults and 68.4% in adults whereas multivariateequations increased accuracy respectively up to 84.9% and 78.4%. This studyentails promising results to design a sex estimation method suitable for fragmentedand/or subadult remains. Further metric approaches are needed to explore bony labyrinthsexual dimorphism. |