par Ben Rajeb, Samia ;Leclercq, Pierre
Référence Lecture notes in computer science, 9320, page (205-215)
Publication Publié, 2015
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : This article sets out the four stages of an analytical approach which enables student - designers at the end of their academic career in the domain of design, to “metareflectively” consider their design and collaboration processes. Inspired by collaborative action research approaches, this analytical approach aims to create a space in which the student can learn and co-construct meaning relative to the activity of collaborative design. It plays a role in enabling the learner/designer/observer to take a step back from their activities, both when considering the activity in isolation and in confronting it to others’ points of view. This article explains the steps and tools (methodological, theoretical and analytical) involved; it also provides feedback on experiences from 7 different contexts. It shows how the system as a whole enables analysis, interpretation, questioning, and critical and collective reflection of the situation.