par Janssen, Catherine ;Swaen, Valérie;Vanhamme, Joëlle
Référence C(I)RC - Corporate (Ir-)Responsibility and its Consequences in a globalized world Interdisciplinary workshop (February 20-21, 2015: Bochum, Germany)
Publication Non publié, 2015
Communication à un colloque
  • There’s more to corporate crises than meets the eye: A consumer-oriented perspective and the link to corporate social responsibility
Auteur:Janssen, Catherine; Swaen, Valérie; Vanhamme, Joëlle
Informations sur la publication:C(I)RC - Corporate (Ir-)Responsibility and its Consequences in a globalized world Interdisciplinary workshop (February 20-21, 2015: Bochum, Germany)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2015
Sujet CREF:Management
Note générale:iiTSE