par Argurio, Riccardo ;Hoyos, Carlos;Musso, Daniele ;Naegels, Daniel
Référence Physical Review D, 102, 7, 076011
Publication Publié, 2020-10
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Résumé : We study a paradigmatic model in field theory where a global U(1) and scale symmetries are jointly and spontaneously broken. At zero density the model has a noncompact flat direction, which at finite density needs to be slightly lifted. The resulting low-energy spectrum is composed by a standard gapless U(1) Nambu-Goldstone mode and a light dilaton whose gap is determined by the chemical potential and corrected by the couplings. Even though U(1) and scale symmetries commute, there is a mixing between the U(1) Nambu-Goldstone and the dilaton that is crucial to recover the expected dynamics of a conformal fluid and leads to a phonon propagating at the speed of sound. The results rely solely on an accurate study of the Ward-Takahashi identities and are checked against standard fluctuation computations. We extend our results to a boosted superfluid, and comment the relevance of our findings to condensed matter applications.